Sample data for Monthly (Grid)

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Data format is:

Yr.Mth	Avg	Avg	Tot	Tot	Avg	Avg
YYYYMM	TMax	TMin	Rain	Evap	Rad	VP
()	(°C)	(°C)	(mm)	(mm)	(MJ/m²)	(hPa)

Monthly data are provided as follows:

  • Maximum temperature, minimum temperature, solar radiation and vapour pressure are the means for the given month; and
  • Rainfall and evaporation are the totals for the given month.

No daily data are provided.

Monthly totals and means are computed using all daily data available within the user-specified date range. For example, if the date range is 5 May 2020 - 8 July 2020, the totals and means will be computed using daily data as follows:

  • May 2020: partial totals and means based on data from 5-31 May 2020
  • June 2020: totals and means based on data from 1-30 June 2020
  • July 2020: partial totals and means based on data from 1-8 July 2020.


"177012" -9.9  -9.9 9999.9 999.9  99.9  99.9
"This file is SPACE DELIMITED for easy import into both spreadsheets and programs."
"The first line 177012 contains dummy data and is provided to allow spreadsheets to sense the columns"
"To read into a spreadsheet select DELIMITED and SPACE."
" "
"=========  The following essential information and notes should be kept in the data file =========="
" "
"The Data Drill system and data are copyright to the Queensland Government Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI)."
"This data is supplied to the licencee only and may not be given, lent, or sold to any other party"
" "
" * Data Drill for Lat, Long: -20.00 140.00 (DECIMAL DEGREES), 20 00'S 140 00'E"
" * Elevation:  169m "
" * Extracted from SILO_v2.0 on 20170914"
" * Please read the documentation on the Data Drill at"
" "
" * The accuracy of the data depends on many factors including date, location, and variable."
"   For consistency data is supplied using one decimal place, however it is not accurate to that precision."
" "
" * Evaporation data prior to 1970 and Temperatures, Solar Radiation, and "
"   Vapour Pressure data prior to 1957 are all long term averages."
" "
Yr.Mth Avg   Avg   Tot   Tot    Avg   Avg
YYYYMM TMax  TMin  Rain  Evap   Rad    VP
()     (oC)  (oC)  (mm)  (mm) (MJ/m2) (hPa)
200001  37.6  23.0   39.5 303.4  27.2  18.6
200002  33.8  24.2  448.2 183.1  20.1  27.5
200003  34.7  22.6   60.3 209.5  22.1  22.7
200004  31.8  21.4   53.5 175.3  17.1  20.3
200005  27.6  15.4    1.2 172.4  18.1  13.5
200006  24.5  10.5   14.5 133.9  15.7   9.9
200007  27.8   8.6    0.1 150.1  18.9   8.0
200008  30.4  10.8    0.0 198.9  21.9   8.4
200009  34.2  15.5    2.2 254.2  24.3  10.7
200010  34.2  19.9   89.5 255.0  23.5  15.3
200011  34.8  21.9   47.3 221.5  24.3  22.7
200012  32.3  22.8  433.5 186.9  18.9  24.9
200101  35.8  23.6   96.2 242.5  24.7  24.9
200102  34.5  23.8  158.0 198.2  21.7  25.6
Last updated: 30 January 2024