Queensland Future Climate

The Queensland Future Climate Science Program (QFCSP) is delivered through a partnership between the Queensland Government and the University of Queensland. The Program involves downscaling global climate models to provide high-resolution climate projections for Queensland, analysis of climate extremes, and the translation of knowledge into climate services. The climate modelling and downscaling work aligns with the Climate Projections Roadmap for Australia (Q-CAS) and National Partnership for Climate Projections.

The information and resources provided by the Program underpin the Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy (Q-CAS) by enabling assessments of future climate risk, supporting adaptation planning across multiple sectors, and ensuring a more sustainable future for Queenslanders.

Access to the data is available through online dashboards for Queensland Future Climate, Tropical Cyclones and Regional Explorer. The dashboards provide a visualisation platform composed of drop-down menus, maps, plots and tables where users can explore, customise, visualise and download summarised future climate information according to their interests.

Additional resources that describe how projections were computed, how to navigate the dashboards and other useful information, such as specific case studies, are provided below.

Future Climate Dashboard

Create customisable maps of high-resolution climate data across Queensland for different climate themes, regions, climate variables, emission scenarios, seasons and years

Regional Table Summaries

The regional table summary option provides a quick and easy way to access summary climate projections at a regional level

Regional Timeseries

Create customisable timeseries charts of modelled climate variable anomalies for the period 1981-2099

Tropical Cyclone Dashboard

This interactive visualisation platform provides regionalized tropical cyclone wind speed information for locations over Queensland
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Understanding the Data
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Water Security

Case Studies

Learn more about the underlying modelling and processing methods used to prepare the data on this website and explore two interactive case studies about climate hazards in Queensland
Last updated: 21 February 2024