For information on Queensland Government initiatives supporting emissions reduction and climate adaptation, please see the Climate webpage from the Department of Energy and Climate.
The Climate Change in Australia website from the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) provides additional information and tools to explore national climate projections, as well as impacts and adaptation. In the State of the Climate reports, CSIRO and BOM draw on the latest climate research, projections and historical measurements to describe year-to-year variability and longer-term changes in Australia’s climate.
The National Environment Science Program (NESP) Climate Systems Hub is a partnership of Australia’s leading climate change research and decision-making agencies. The Hub undertakes research and produces resources to advance the understanding of Australia’s changing climate.
The results of our climate modelling and analyses are published in peer-reviewed journals to ensure users can have confidence in the information provided. Some examples include:
Chapman, S., Syktus, J., Trancoso, R., Toombs, N., & Eccles, R. (2024). Projected Changes in Mean Climate and Extremes from Downscaled High-Resolution CMIP6 Simulations in Australia. SSRN. Available at
Eccles, R., Trancoso, R., Syktus, J., Chapman, S., Toombs, N., Zhang, H., Ma, S., and McGloin, R. (2024). Meteorological drought projections for Australia from downscaled high-resolution CMIP6 climate simulations. EGUsphere [preprint]. Available at
Bulovic, N., McIntyre, N., Trancoso, R., Bolz, P., & Shaygun, M. (2024). Downscaled climate model erosivity projections and drivers of change across distinct climate regions. Catena, 244, 108250. Available at
Bulovic, N., McIntyre, N., & Trancoso, R. (2024). Climate change risks to mine closure. Journal of Cleaner Production. 465. Available at
Zhang, H., Chapman, S., & Trancoso, R. (2024). Assessing the impact of bias correction approaches on climate extremes and the climate change signal. Meteorol. Appl. 31, e2204. Available at
Trancoso, R., Syktus, J., Allan, R.P., Croke, J., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., & Chadwick, R. (2024). Significantly wetter or drier future conditions for one to two thirds of the world’s population. Nat. Commun. 15, 483. Available at
Chapman, S., Syktus, J., Trancoso, R., Thatcher, M., Toombs, N., Wong, K.K., & Takbash, A (2023). Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled CMIP6-CCAM Models Over Australia. Earth's Future 11, e2023EF003548. Available at
Eccles, R., Zhang, H., Hamilton, D., Trancoso, R, Toombs, N, & Syktus, J.(2023). Impacts of climate change on nutrient and sediment loads from a subtropical catchment. Journal of Environmental Management, 345. Available at
Xu, Z., Varghese, B.M, Trancoso, R., Wilson, L.F., & Cheng, J. (2023). Mortality associated with heatwave severity in the three largest Australian cities. Epidemiology, 34, 1. Available at
Grose, M.R., Trancoso, Narsey, S., Trancoso, R., Mackallah, C., Delage, F., Dowdy, A., Di Virgilio, G., Watterson, I., Dobrohotoff, P., Rashid, H.A., Rauniyar, S., Henley, B., Thatcher, M., Syktus, J., Abramowitz, G., Evans, J.P., Su, C.H., & Takbash, A. (2023). A CMIP6-based multi-model downscaling ensemble to underpin climate change services in Australia. Clim. Serv. 30, 100368. Available at
Trancoso, R., Syktus, J., Salazar, A., Thatcher, M. J., Toombs, N., Wong, K. K. H., Meijaard, E., Sheil, D., & McAlpine, C. A. (2022). Converting tropical forests to agriculture increases fire risk by fourfold. Environ. Res. Lett. 17, 104019. Available at
Eccles, R., Zhang, H., Hamilton, D., Trancoso, R., & Syktus, J. (2021). Impacts of climate change on streamflow and floodplain inundation in a coastal subtropical catchment. Adv. Water Resour. 147, 103825. Available at
Trancoso, R., Syktus, J., Toombs, N., Ahrens, D., Wong, K., & Dalla Pozza, R. (2020): Heatwaves intensification in Australia: A consistent trajectory across past, present and future. Sci. Total Environ. 140521. Avalable at
Our new high-resolution climate models are a breakthrough in understanding Australia’s future.