Factsheet 6: CMIP5 and RCPs or CMIP6 and SSPs?

The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) is a collaborative effort to coordinate international climate modelling activities. The project is currently in its sixth phase, or CMIP6 for short. CMIP6 introduced some important changes in comparison to the previous phase (CMIP5), including how emissions scenarios are described in the models.

The new CMIP6 versions of the Queensland Future Climate resources present climate projections information based on three greenhouse gas (GHG) scenarios described using Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). The original CMIP5 version of Queensland Future Climate uses two scenarios described using Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs).

Why the change?

The latest generation of global climate models used in CMIP6 have introduced SSPs as a new way to describe future changes in atmospheric concentrations of GHGs. The previous generation, CMIP5, described these trajectories using RCPs. A separate factsheet on this page explores the differences between CMIP5 and CMIP6 in more detail.

At the time the Queensland Future Climate Dashboard and other resources were originally released in 2018, CMIP5 models were the latest ones available. Our new resources take advantage of the latest climate science and presents the information based on CMIP6 models and using SSPs for the scenarios.


CMIP5 models informed the previous Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (released in sections between 2013 and 2014). CMIP5 models considered several different trajectories for future changes in the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) described using Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs).

An RCP describes a trajectory for future GHG concentrations based on assumptions about how different natural processes and human activities may change the rate of emissions (and sequestration) of GHGs.

There are four standard RCPs applied in climate modelling. The number included in the name for each RCP refers to the increase in climate forcing in the year 2100, resulting from the level of atmospheric GHGs (in watts per square meter) – a bigger number indicates more climate warming associated with higher concentrations of GHGs.

  • RCP2.6 – describes a pathway to a low GHG concentration where it peaks somewhere in the middle of the century and then declines to 420 parts per million (ppm) as GHG emissions are substantially reduced over time with ambitious mitigation efforts. It is aligned with mitigation efforts aiming to limit the increase of global mean temperature to 2°C.
  • RCP4.5 – describes a pathway where GHG concentrations stabilise at 540ppm by 2100.
  • RCP6.0 – describes a pathway where GHG concentrations stabilise shortly after 2100 at 660ppm by 2100.
  • RCP8.5 – represents a future with little reduction in GHG emissions where GHG concentrations reach 940ppm by 2100.

In their design, no RCP is inherently more or less likely than the others and they are not forecasts. However, an RCP may appear to be more or less likely depending on how policy and other parameters evolve in comparison to their assumptions or how actual GHG concentrations track against the modelled trajectories over time.

Queensland Future Climate provides high-resolution CMIP5 projections based on two RCPs - RCP4.5 to represent a moderate emissions future and RCP8.5 to represent a high emissions future.


CMIP6 models represent a new generation of climate models and are highlighted in the most recent Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) from the IPCC (released in sections from 2021 to 2023). In comparison to CMIP5, CMIP6 includes more models based on the latest understanding of ocean and atmospheric processes (such as improved descriptions of cloud processes and biogeochemical cycles). CMIP6 models also feature a wider range of climate sensitivities (the average change in global mean temperature in response to a change in climate forcing). CMIP5 models use a reference period of 1986 to 2005 while CMIP6 models use a reference period of 1995-2014.

CMIP6 models also employ a new way to describe future GHG trajectories using Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). The SSPs are based on five different narratives that describe the broad trends that could shape society in the future, including population growth, economic growth, technological development, education and urbanisation. SSPs are intended to span the range of plausible futures from a sustainable future to one of rapid and unconstrained economic growth.

For climate modelling, the SSPs are combined with a range of mitigation targets described using a measure of the resulting increase in ‘climate forcing’ as used for the RCPs. Climate modelling initiatives focus on a set of five combined scenarios.

  • SSP1-1.9 – This is the most optimistic of the scenarios where global GHG emissions are cut aggressively to net zero by about 2050. This scenario aligns most closely with the goal of keeping warming below 1.5°C at 2100 (although there may be a bit of ‘overshoot’ where temperatures rise beyond the 1.5°C goal temporarily before dropping below the goal by the end of the century).
  • SSP1-2.6 – Under this scenario, global emissions are reduced but don’t reach net zero until after 2050 and warming stabilises at about 1.8°C by 2100.
  • SSP2-4.5 – This scenario has emissions steady at roughly the same as current levels before starting to fall in the middle of the century and net zero is not reached by 2100, with temperatures rising by about 2.7°C by the end of the century.
  • SSP3-7.0 – Under this scenario, both emissions and temperatures continue to rise, the latter by about 3.6°C by 2100.
  • SSP5-8.5 – This high-growth, energy-intensive scenario has emissions roughly doubling by 2050 and global average temperatures rising by about 4.4°C by the end of the century.

The figure below illustrates the projected global mean surface temperature change to 2100 under these five scenarios (relative to the period from 1850 to 1900). Keep in mind that local or regional changes in mean temperature could be different from changes in global mean temperatures, and that climate hazards usually result from extreme events rather than mean values.

SSP graphic
An overview of the five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) used in modelling the global climate. Socioeconomic narrative describes the broad socioeconomic trends that could shape future society that will influence future emissions and adaptive capacity (population growth, economic growth, technological advances, patterns of consumption, inequality etc.). Emissions provides a high-level description of the resulting emissions trajectory to 2100. Energy mix describes the assumed composition of energy generation technologies including renewables and fossil-fuels. GHG concentration is the resulting atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases in 2100. Global mean temperature increase provides the modelled likely range of the increase in global mean temperature by 2100. Mean sea level rise provides the modelled likely range of sea level rise under each scenario by 2100, noting that increases above this range are possible. Sources: IPCC AR6 WG1 and CarbonBrief.

Why are there no downscaled SSP5-8.5 projections for Queensland and Australia?

The CMIP6 projections for Queensland do not include data for the SSP5-8.5 scenario. Why not? RCP8.5 was considered to be a good representation of a high range emissions scenario for the CMIP5 suite of models that could be used to inform the plausible upper bounds of climate change for risk assessments. Based on more recent data and improved understanding of how the main drivers of future emissions are likely to change over time, there is a common view among climate scientists that the SSP5-8.5 scenario is very unlikely to be realised, largely because of the changing face of energy generation and rapid electrification in other sectors in response to changing economics. As a result, SSP3-7.0 is now considered to be good representation of a high-end emissions scenario within the CMIP6 suite of models (i.e. because emissions higher than described in SSP3-7.0 are now considered very unlikely).

Based on this, the organisations developing high-resolution downscaled climate projections for Australia agreed to concentrate their resources on the same three scenarios that are expected to cover the most likely range of possible future climates. For more information, please refer to the Climate Projections Roadmap for Australia.

Which is better for your needs?

CMIP6 models can provide advantages in the description of possible future climates, particularly for more sophisticated analyses where the outputs of climate models are used as inputs for further modelling. Examples include regional downscaling simulations or analyses that focus on implications for particular climate hazards or systems (such as extreme events or ecological modelling etc).

However, for the purposes of climate risk assessments and adaptation planning, CMIP6 models are unlikely to provide any substantial differences in relevant climate parameters that would have a material effect on risk classification or decisions on adaptation options.

Both CMIP5 and CMIP6 projections can continue to be applied in climate risk assessments with confidence.

In most cases, CMIP6 projections will be preferred as they represent the latest available climate projections information, and we recommend that all new climate risk assessments, adaptation plans and policies be developed based on CMIP6 projections.

However, there may be cases where the use of CMIP5 projections is warranted. Examples could include:

  • reviewing or updating an existing risk assessment or adaptation plan developed using CMIP5 projections
  • for compliance with policy or other requirements that specify particular RCPs should be applied
  • where the application requires the consideration of a very high emissions scenario even where this may be considered unlikely to eventuate (e.g. for the consideration of low-likelihood, high impact events on long-lived critical infrastructure).

It might not be a good idea to mix CMIP5 and CMIP6 data in the one analysis. There are some differences in the way variables are presented, particularly with different reference periods, that will make interpretation difficult. A climate risk assessment methodology will help you select the most appropriate scenario to use for your application given your interests, decision lifetime, risk tolerance etc. You can find more information on this in the separate factsheet on climate science for risk assessments.

More information

High-resolution projections data and information based on CMIP6 projections available here.

High-resolution projections data and information based on CMIP5 projections available here.

Climate Projections Roadmap for Australia and the National Partnership for Climate Projections.

This factsheet was developed with support from the NESP Climate Systems Hub.

Climate Systems Hub
Last updated: 3 March 2025