This example shows how you can use Python to work with SILO’s NetCDF files.
Python 3 is used in these examples. You will also need these Python packages:
The example will compute the mean annual rainfall for Queensland. To process data for a specific region, you must provide a NetCDF mask file with the same geometry as the data file(s). If you already have a mask file in another format, you may be able to convert it to NetCDF format using GDAL.
You can download an example mask file for Queensland here (NC, 573KB) .
The script below calculates a regional mean using SILO’s monthly rainfall rasters. To compute the mean:
import numpy
import netCDF4
# Load the regional mask
with netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r') as mask_dataset:
mask_data = mask_dataset.variables['mask'][:]
# Initialise the results list
results = []
# Loop over years
for year in range(1961, 1990):
# Load the monthly rainfall data for all months in the year
with netCDF4.Dataset('{:d}'.format(year), 'r') as dataset:
data = dataset.variables['monthly_rain'][:]
# Apply regional mask to the data
data.mask = mask_data.mask
# Calculate the annual regional average rainfall
# by computing the average across all months
# and all grid points within the mask
average = numpy.mean(data)
# Append result to the list
# Output the annual average rainfall for all years