
Selected Publications Relevant to Long Paddock

This is a list of key references related to past and current projects undertaken by our staff and collaborators. In some cases abstracts of these documents and/or full versions are made available for download.

Fordyce Geoffry, Shephard Richard, Moravek Tim, McGowan Michael R. (2023) Australian cattle herd: a new perspective on structure, performance and productionAnimal Production Science 63, 410-421.

Woodrow, L., Carter, J., Fraser, G., and Barnetson, J. (2023). Using Continuous Output Neural Nets to Estimate Pasture Biomass from Digital Photographs in Grazing LandsAgriEngineering , 5, 1051-1067.

Zund P. et al. (2022). Soil bicarbonate-extractable P (Colwell-P) map of Queensland main grazing lands (GBP.0043). Queensland Department of Environment and Science. Published 11 March 2022, Meat and Livestock Australia Limited, North Sydney NSW.

Zhang, H., Jeffrey, S. & Carter, J. (2022) Improved quality gridded surface wind speed datasets for Australia. Meteorol Atmos Phys 134, 85
Owens, J., McKeon, G., O’Reagain, P., Carter, J., Fraser, G., Nelson, B. and Scanlan, J. (2021). Disentangling the effects of management and climate on perennial grass pastures and the degradation that follows multi-year droughts. In Vervoort, R.W., Voinov, A.A., Evans, J.P. and Marshall, L. (eds) MODSIM2021, 24th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2021, pp. 85–91. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-8-6.
Pringle M., O'Reagain P., Stone G., Carter J., Orton T., Bushell J. (2021) Using remote sensing to forecast forage quality for cattle in the dry savannas of northeast Australia, Ecological Indicators, Volume 133, 108426, ISSN 1470-160X,
Pringle M., Bray S., Carter J. (2021) Modelling the disappearance of coarse woody debris, following a land clearing event. Carbon Balance Manage 16, 36
Stone G., Zhang B., Carter J., Fraser G., Whish G., Paton C., McKeon G. (2021) An online system for calculating and delivering long-term carrying capacity information for Queensland grazing properties. Part 1: background and development. The Rangeland Journal 43, 143-157.
Zhang B., Fraser G., Carter J., Stone G., Irvine S., Whish G., Willcocks J., McKeon G. (2021) An online system for calculating and delivering long-term carrying capacity information for Queensland grazing properties. Part 2: modelling and outputs. The Rangeland Journal 43, 159-172.
McKeon G., Stone G., Ahrens D., Carter J., Cobon D., Irvine S. and Syktus J. (2021). Queensland’s multi-year Wet and Dry periods: implications for grazing enterprises and pasture resources. The Rangeland Journal 43(3) 121-142
Irvine S. (2021), Mapping drought declaration areas from 1936 to 1964 for Queensland, Australia. The Rangeland Journal 43(3) 109-119
Barnetson J, Phinn S, Scarth P., (2021). Climate-Resilient Grazing in the Pastures of Queensland: An Integrated Remotely Piloted Aircraft System and Satellite-Based Deep-Learning Method for Estimating Pasture YieldAgriEngineering. 3(3):681-702.
Paxton Gillian (2021) Building cultural capital in drought adaptation: lessons from discourse analysis. The Rangeland Journal 43, 101-108.
Barnetson J, Phinn S, Scarth P. (2020) Estimating Plant Pasture Biomass and Quality from UAV Imaging across Queensland’s Rangelands. AgriEngineering. 2020; 2(4):523-543.
Cobon, D., Stone, G., Carter, J., McKeon, G., Zhang, B., Heidemann, H. (2020). Native pastures and beef cattle show a spatially variable response to a changing climate in Queensland, Australia, European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 114, March 2020, 126002
Owens J. , Carter J., Fraser G., Cleverly J. , Hutley L. and Barnetson J. (2019). Improving evapotranspiration estimation in pasture and native vegetation models using flux tower data, remote sensing and global optimisation. 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Cobon, D., Kouadio, L., Mushtaq, S., Jarvis, S., Carter, J., Stone, G., Davis, P. (2019). Evaluating the shifts in rainfall and pasture-growth variabilities across the pastoral zone of Australia during 1910–2010. Crop and Pasture Science, 70(7):634-647.
Irvine, S., and Holloway, C. (2019). Spatial Grazing Land Management Land Types of Queensland: Review and amendments (Version 5.4) – January 2019. Technical Report. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland.
Stone, G., Dalla Pozza, R., Carter J., & McKeon, G. (2019). Long Paddock: climate risk and grazing information for Australian rangelands and grazing communities. The Rangeland Journal, 41, 225–232
Zhang B., Carter J. (2018)  FORAGE – An online system for generating and delivering property-scale decision support information for grazing land and environmental management. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 150, 302-311
Fraser G. W., Stone G. S. (2016) The effect of soil and pasture attributes on rangeland infiltration rates in northern Australia. The Rangeland Journal 38, 245-259.
Fraser, G., Rohde, K., & Silburn, M. (2017). Fertiliser management effects on dissolved inorganic nitrogen in runoff from Australian sugarcane farms. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(8), 409.
Schmidt, M., Carter, J., Stone, G., O’Reagain, P. (2016). Integration of Optical and X-Band Radar Data for Pasture Biomass Estimation in an Open Savannah Woodland, Remote Sens. 20168(12), 989
McKeon, G, Hall, W, Henry, B, Stone, G & Watson, I (eds) (2004) ‘Pasture Degradation and Recovery in Australia's Rangelands: Learning from History’ Department of Natural Resources Mines & Industry, Queensland Government
McKeon, G.M., Stone, G.S., Syktus, J.I., Carter, J.O., Fraser, G.W., Crimp, S.J. and Howden, S.M. (2009). ‘Climate change impacts on rangeland livestock carrying capacity: More questions than answers’. Proceedings of the 15th Biennial Australian Rangeland Society Conference. A Climate of change in the Rangelands. 28 September – 2nd October 2008. Charters Towers, Australia.
Paull, C (2002) ‘The value and benefits of using seasonal climate forecasts in making business decisions: A review’ Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Government.  
Carter, J., Bruget, D., Henry, B., Hassett, R., Stone, G., Day, K., Flood, N. & McKeon, G. (2010). ‘Modeling Vegetation, Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in the Savanna Woodlands of Australia with the AussieGRASS Model’. in Ecosystem Function in Savannas: Measuring and Modelling at Landscape to Global Scales.  eds. Hill, M.J. & Hanan, N.P. CRC Press. 
Jones, P., Silcock, R. and Stone, G. (2008) ‘Grazing land in “A” condition is stable and resilient’. Proceedings of the Australian Rangeland Society Conference. Charters Towers, Australia. The paper is available (PDF, 59K, last updated 01:31PM, 17 September 2009)* on the Long Paddock web site.
McKeon, G.M., Flood, N., Carter, J.O., Stone, G.S., Crimp, S.J. and Howden, S.M. (2008). ‘Simulation of climate change impacts on livestock carrying capacity and production for the Garnaut Climate Change Review’ (PDF)*.   
Office of Climate Change (2011) ‘Tropical Cyclone Yasi Factsheet’ Department of Environment and Resource Management. Queensland Government.  
Richards, R., Watson, I., Bean, J., Maconochie, J., Clipperton, S., Beeston, G., Green D. and Hacker R. (2001) ‘Australian Grassland and Rangeland Assessment by Spatial Simulation (Aussie GRASS) Southern Pastures Sub-project’ Department of Natural Resources & Mines, QLD
Henry, B., McKeon, G.M., Syktus, J., Carter, J.O., Day, K.A. and Rayner, D.P. (2007) ‘Climate variability, climate change and land degradation’. in Sivakumar, M.V.K. and Ndiang’ui, N. (eds.) Climate and Land Degradation. Berlin Heidelberg. Springer. pp.205–221
Brundell, J., Cobon, D., Stone, G. & Cliffe, N. (2011). ‘Climate Change Risk Matrix: a process for assessing impacts, adaptation, risk and vulnerability’ (PDF, 256K, last updated 11:33AM, 10 February 2012)*. Factsheet, Queensland Climate Centre of Excellence, Department of Environment and Resource Management 
Patterson, D., Boswood, P. ,Elias G. (2011). ‘Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Long Term Average sand transport rate’ (PDF)*. 20th NSW Coastal Conference, Tweed Heads, 8-11th November 2011.
Cobon, D.H. and Toombs, N.R. (2007). ‘Practical adaptation to climate change in regional natural resource management: Queenland Case Studies - Fitzroy Basin Report – Part A. Production and natural resource indicators in beef systems under climate change conditions’ (PDF, 1.5M, last updated 01:41PM, 6 April 2009)*. Project EP08. Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra 
Park, S., Howden, M., Higgins, A., McRae, D., Horan, H. and Hennessy, K. (2007) ‘Climate change: informing the Australian sugar industry of potential impacts, possible strategies for adaptation and best-bet options for future R&D’. In the final report of projects CSE019 and SRD011 by Park, S., Creighton, C. and Howden, M., Sugar Research and Development Corporation.
Abawi, Y., Llanso, P., Harrison, M. and Mason, S. (2008) ‘Water, health and early warnings’ in Troccoli, A., Harrison, M., Anderson, D.L.T. and Mason, S.J. (eds.) Seasonal Climate: Forecasting and Managing Risk, NATO Science Series. Berlin Heidelberg. Springer. pp.361–410.
Stone, G., Fraser, G., O’Reagain, P., Timmers, P. and Bushell, J. (2008) ‘A new methodology for the calculation of pasture utilisation for grazing lands’ (PDF, 214K, last updated 01:31PM, 17 September 2009)*. Proceedings of the Australian Rangeland Society Conference. Charters Towers, Australia  
Dyer, R., McMahon, K. & Werth, J. (1999) ‘A survey of the assessment of seasonal conditions in pastoral Australia—Part 4: Northern Territory report’ Qld Centre for Climate Applications, Qld Dept. of Primary Industries  
QCCCE. (2010). Climate Change in Queensland: What the Science is Telling Us. Department of Environment and Resource Management. Brisbane, Queensland. More information is available (PDF, 4.6M, last updated 03:07PM, 28 June 2012)* on the Long Paddock web site.
Gabriel, M. & Willcocks, J. with additional material by Crimp, S. Brook, K. Henry, H. McKeon, G. Syktus, J. Peacock, A and Day, K.(2004) ‘Climate Change—The challenge for natural resource management’. Department of natural Resources & Mines, Queensland Government 
Wong, K.; Syktus, J.; Jeffrey, S.; Toombs, N. & Rotstayn, L. (2011). ‘Climate extremes during the 20th and 21st centuries simulated by the CSIRO Mk3.6 climate model with anthropogenic and natural forcings’.  Modelling & Simulation Society of Australia & New Zealand; Perth; 12-16 December 2011.  
Henry, B., Johnsson, I., Fraser, G., Carter, J. and Bray, S. (2008) ‘Soil carbon: measurement issues and mitigation options – land use’. Proceedings of the Australian Farm Institute Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. Visit the Farm Institute web site for more information.
Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence (QCCCE) (2007) ‘The South East Queensland Drought to 2007’ (PDF, 496K, last updated 11:56AM, 8 September 2009)*. Department of Natural Resources and Water, Queensland Government. p.7.
McKeon, G & Hall, W (2001) ‘Can seasonal climate forecasting prevent degradation of Australia's grazing lands?  Climate Variability in Agriculture Program. Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government. 
Tessendorf, S.; Bruintjes, R.; Wilson, J.; Roberts, R.; Brandes, E.; Knight, C.; Dixon, M.; Pocernich, M.; Ikeda, K.; Arnold, C.; Axisa, D.; Hall, W.; Freney, E.; Buseck, P. R.; Towler, E.; May, P.; Peter, J.; Wilson, L.; Manton, M.; Siems, S.; Collis, S.; Richter, H.; Pepler, A.; Craig, I.; Stone, R.; Piketh, S.; Burger, R.; Collins, D. (2011). The Queensland Cloud Seeding Research Project.  Bulletin of the American Meteorology Society. Visit the AMS journal web site for more information.
Acworth, C. & Lawson, S. (2011). ‘The Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing project – Ten years of managing operations in a highly variable coastal system’ (PDF)*. 20th NSW Coastal Conference, Tweed Heads, 8-11th November 2011.
Scaife A. A., F. Kucharski, C. K. Folland, J. Kinter, S. Brönnimann, D. Fereday, A. M. Fischer, S. Grainger, E. K. Jin, I. S. Kang, J. R. Knight, S. Kusunoki, N. C. Lau, M. J. Nath, T. Nakaegawa, P. Pegion, S. Schubert, P. Sporyshev, J. Syktus, J. H. Yoon, N. Zeng and T. Zhou. (2008): ‘The CLIVAR C20C Project: Selected 20th Century climate events’. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-008-0451-1.   
Dyer, R., Café, L. & Craig, A. (2001) ‘Australian Grassland and Rangeland Assessment by Spatial Simulation (Aussie GRASS) NT & Kimberley Rangeland Sub-project’ Department of Natural Resources & Mines, QLD 
OCC / QCCCE. (2010). Increasing Queensland's Resilience to Inland Flooding in a Changing Climate. Department of Environment and Resource Management. Brisbane, Queensland. More information is available (PDF, 392K, last updated 03:07PM, 28 June 2012)* on Long Paddock web site. 
Mahmood, R; Quintanar, A. I.; Conner, G; Leeper, R; Dobler, S; Pielke, R. A.; Beltran-Przekurat, A; Hubbard, K. G.; Niyogi, D; Bonan, G; Lawrence, P; Chase, T; McNider, R; Wu, Y; McAlpine, C; Deo, R; Etter, A; Gameda, S; Qian, B; Carleton, A; Adegoke, J,O.; Vezhapparambu, S; Asefi, S; Nair, U. S.; Sertel, E; Legates, D. R.; Hale, R; Frauenfeld, O. W.; Watts, A; Shepherd, M; Mitra, C; Anantharaj, V G.; Fall, S; Chang, H; Lund, R; Treviño, A; Blanken, P; Du, J; Syktus, J..  (2010). ‘Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Climate and Future Research’ Priorities'Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91, 37-46. 
Collier, M.A., Jeffrey, S.J., Rotstayn, L.D., Wong, K., Dravitzki, S.M., Moeseneder, C., Hamalainen, C., Syktus, J.I., Suppiah, R., Antony, J., El Zein, A. and Atif, M. (2011). The CSIRO-Mk3.6.0 Atmosphere-Ocean GCM: participation in CMIP5 and data publication. (PDF)* Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand 2011. International Congress: Sustaining Our Future; Perth; 12-16th December, 2011.
Heyhoe, E., Yeon, k, Kokic, P. Levantis, C., Ahammad, H. Schnider, K. Crimp, S.. Nelson, R. Flood, N. and Carter, J. (2007) ‘Adapting to climate change: issues and challenges in the agriculture sector’Australian Commodities: Forecasts and Issues, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007: 167-178 
Lehmann, J., Skjemstad, J., Sohi, S., Carter, J., Barson, M., Falloon, P., Coleman, K., Woodbury, P. and Krull, E. (2008). ‘Australian climate-carbon cycle feedback reduced by soil black carbon’. Nature Geoscience pp832-835.
Cobon, D.H. and Toombs, N.R. (2008). ‘Impacts of climate change on regulated and non-regulated water systems in Australia. In Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world’. Vol 1. Proc. International Grasslands and Rangelands Congress, Hohhot, China. p. 826. (Eds. Organising Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC Conference) (Guangdong Peoples Publishing House: Guangzhou).  
Syktus J., and S. Jeffrey. (2008). ’Stratospheric Ozone Depletion.’ (PDF, 394K, last updated 01:31PM, 17 September 2009)*: The State of Environment in Queensland, Atmosphere. pp. 62-74. 
Williams, A.J. and Stone, R.C. (2008) 'An assessment of relationships between the Australian subtropical ridge, rainfall variability, and high-latitude circulation patterns'. International Journal of Climatology’.  DOI: 10. 1002/joc. 1732
Klingaman, N.P. (2012): Summary brochure also available on the Long Paddock web site. Queensland rainfall — past, present and future (PDF, 850K, last updated 03:08PM, 28 June 2012)*
Hall, W.B. McKeon, G.M. Carter, J.O. Day, K.A. Howden, S.M. Scanlan, J.C. Johnston, P.W. and  Burrows, W. (1998) ‘An assessment of potential climate change impacts on regional beef productivity in Queensland from native pastures’ The Rangeland Journal 20(2) 177-205
Klingaman, N.P.;  Woolnough, S. J. & Syktus, J. (2011). ‘On the drivers of inter-annual and decadal rainfall variability in Queensland, Australia’.  International Journal of Climatology.
Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence: Coastal Unit. (2011). Queensland Coastal Processes and Climate Change. Department of Environment and Resource Management. More information is available (PDF, 2.8M, last updated 03:07PM, 28 June 2012)* on the Long Paddock web site.
McKeon, G., Chilcott, C., McGrath, W., Paton, C., Fraser, G., Stone G. and Ryan, J. (2008‘Assessing the value of trees in sustainable grazing systems’ (NBP.316). Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Environmental Protection Agency. Published July 2008, Meat & Livestock Australia, NSW.  
QCCCE (2010). Chilean Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami (Feb 2010). Department of Environment and Resource Management. Brisbane, Queensland. Visit the EHP web site for more information.
Syktus, J & McKeon, G (2002) ‘Evaluation of Global and Regional Climate Models in simulating spatial and temporal patterns of seasonal rainfall variability in the Australian region (PDF, 7.9M)*’ in ‘Learning From History: Preventing land and pasture degradation under climate change’ (McKeon and Hall, 2002) Climate Impacts and Natural Resource Systems, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.
Collet, L, Hassett, R,  Taube, C, Flood, N, Hall, W (2001) ‘Validation of NOAA Fire Scar Maps in the Laura Basin Using Landsat TM Imagery and Field Data’ Climate Impacts and Natural Resource Systems. Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines
McKeon, G.M. Hall, W.B. Crimp, S.J. Howden, S.M. Stone R.C. & Jones D.A. (1998) 'Climate Change in Queensland's Grazing Lands: Approaches and Climatic Trends’. The Rangeland Journal 20(2) 151-176
Stokes, C.J., Crimp, S., Gifford, R., Stone, G., Cobon, D. Ash, A., Howden, S.M., and McKeon, G. (2008). ‘Broad acre grazing. In An overview of climate change adaptation in Australian primary industries – impacts, options and priorities’. (Eds. Stokes, SJ and Howden, SM). Report prepared for the National Climate Change Research Strategy for Primary Industries (CSIRO: Canberra). 
de Vries JJ, Waldron J, Cunningham V (2003) ‘Field tests of the new Datawell DWR-G GPS wave buoy’ (PDF)* Sea Technology 44 (12) 50-55
Cobon, D.H., Stone, G.S., Carter, J.O., Scanlan, J.C., Toombs, N.R., Zhang, X., Willcocks J. and McKeon, G.M. (2009) ‘The climate change risk management matrix for the grazing industry of northern Australia.’ A Climate of Change in Australian Rangelands, The Rangeland Journal, Volume 31 Number 1
Paull, C., Cliffe, N. and Hall, W. (2001) ‘Australian Grassland and Rangeland Assessment by Spatial Simulation (Aussie GRASS) Extension Sub-project’ Department of Natural Resources & Mines, QLD.   
Office of Climate Change. (2010). ‘Consistent Climate Scenarios’ (PDF, 600K, last updated 03:57PM, 13 July 2011)* Factsheet, Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government.   
Zhang, X., Abawi, Y., Dutta S. and McClymont, D. (2010). 'Developing ENSO-based irrigation water forecast system in a region with limited hydro-meteorological observations to mitigate the impacts of climate variability': a case study in Lombok, Indonesia. In: Climate Adaptation Futures: Preparing for the Unavoidable Impacts of Climate Change, 29 Jun - 1 Jul 2010, Gold Coast, Australia.
Brown, I.W., Scandol, J., Mayer, D., Campbell, M., Kondylas, S., McLennan, M., Williams, A., Krusic-Golub, K. and Treloar, T. (2008) ‘Reducing uncertainty in the assessment of the Australian spanner crab fishery: final report on Project 2003/06 to the Fishing Industry Reseach and Development Corporation’. Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries. Queensland Government. p.92. Final report
Bange M.P., Constable, G.A., McRae D., and Roth G. (2010). Cotton. In C. Stokes  and M. Howden (eds), 'Adapting agriculture to climate change: Preparing Australian agriculture, forestry and fisheries for the future'. (CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia).
Office of Climate Change (2011) ‘Climate change risk management matrix' (PDF, 256K, last updated 11:33AM, 10 February 2012)*. Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government.   
Cobon, D.H. and Toombs, N.R. (2007) ‘Climate change impacts on the water resources of the Cooper Creek Catchment’ (PDF, 1.0M, last updated 01:41PM, 6 April 2009)*. Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. pp.483–489.
McRae, D., Bange, M. and Roth, G. (2007) ‘Climate Change in Cotton Catchment Communities – A Scoping Study, Cotton Catchment Communities’ CRC, for the Australian Greenhouse Office, Department of Environment and Heritage, Canberra. 
Watterson, I.G. and Syktus, J. (2007) ‘The influence of air–sea interaction on the Madden-Julian Oscillation: the role of the seasonal mean state’. Climate Dynamics. 28 (7–8). pp.703–722.
Lawrence, P (2004) ‘Climate Impacts of Australian Land Cover Change (PDF, 21M, last updated 01:38PM, 5 December 2008)*
Paull, C. & Hall,W. (1999) ‘A survey of the assessment of seasonal conditions in pastoral Australia—Part 1: Queensland report’ Qld Centre for Climate Applications, Qld Dept. of Primary Industries  
Cobon, D.H. and Toombs, N.R. (2007). ’Practical adaptation to climate change in regional natural resource management: South-East Queensland Western Catchments Report. Climate change impacts on water resources of South-East Queensland Western Catchments’ (PDF, 3.4M, last updated 01:41PM, 6 April 2009)* (Project EP08). Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra.  
Paull, C. and Hall, W. (1999) ‘A survey of the assessment of seasonal conditions in pastoral Australia—Part 6: National summary’ Qld Centre for Climate Applications, Qld Dept. of Primary Industries 
Tupper, C., Crichton, J., Alcock, D. & Mavi, H. (2001) ‘Australian Grassland and Rangeland Assessment by Spatial Simulation (Aussie GRASS) High Rainfall Zone Temperate Pastures Sub-project’ Department of Natural Resources & Mines, QLD.
Day, K & Paull, C (2001) ‘Development and evaluation of reports on seasonal conditions for Queensland’. Rural Risk Strategies Unit, Department of primary Industry, Queensland Government.  
Tynan, R. (1999) ‘A survey of the assessment of seasonal conditions in pastoral Australia—Part 3: South Australia report’ Qld Centre for Climate Applications, Qld Dept. of Primary Industries  
Tong, S. Maher, P. Fitzgerald, G. Mcrae, D. Verall, K. Walker, D. (2010) ‘Assessing the vulnerability of eco-environmental health to climate change’.  Int. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7(2) : 546-64.
Paull, C & Peacock, A (2003) ‘Survey of users of the DPI SOI Hotlines’. Department of Primary Industry, Queensland Government.
Cobon, D.H. and Toombs, N.R. (2008). ‘Impacts and adaptation to climate change in beef production systems in central Queensland’. In Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world. Vol 1. Proc. International Grasslands and Rangelands Congress, Hohhot, China. p. 877. (Eds. Organising Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC Conference) (Guangdong Peoples Publishing House: Guangzhou).  
Zhang, B. (2008) ‘Climate Risk Assessment Report (prototype)’ Issued monthly. Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence, Environmental Protection Agency, Queensland Government.
Cobon, D.H., Bell, K.L., Park, J.N. and Keogh, D.U. (2008). ‘Summative evaluation of climate application activities with pastoralistists in western Queensland’ (PDF)*. Rangl. J. 30, 361-374.   
Walsh, K., Cai, W., Hennessy, K., Jones, R., McInnes, K., Nguyen, K., Page, C and Whetton, P. (2002) ‘Climate Change in Queensland under Enhanced Greenhouse Conditions (Final Report 1997–2002)’ a report on research undertaken for Queensland Departments of State Development, Main Roads, Health, Transport, Treasury, Public Works, Primary Industries and Fisheries, Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Rail, SunWater and CS Energy. CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, Australian Government.
Cobon, D.H. and Toombs, N.R. (2007). ‘Practical adaptation to climate change in regional natural resource management: Fitzroy Basin Report – Part B. Climate change impacts on the sediment load for the Nogoa catchment of the Fitzroy Basin’ (PDF, 1.5M, last updated 01:41PM, 6 April 2009)*. (Project EP08). Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra 
Parton, W., Scholes, R.J., Day, K., Carter, J.O. & Kelley, R. (2010). ‘CENTURY-SAVANNA Model for True-Grass Ecosystems’. in Ecosystem Function in Savannas – Measurement and Modelling at Landscape to Global Scales., eds. M.J. Hill & N.P. Hanah,. CRC Press.
Liu, D.L., Timbal, B., Mo, J. & Fairweather, H. (2011). ‘A GIS-based climate change adaptation strategy tool’ International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. 3, 2.
Strand, LB., Tong, S., Aird, R., McRae, D.A. (2010). ‘Vulnerability of eco-environmental health to climate change: the views of government stakeholders and other specialists in Queensland, Australia’BMC Public Health 2010, 10:441 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-441
Cobon, D.H. and Toombs, N.R. (2007). ‘Practical adaptation to climate change in regional natural resource management: Desert Channels Queensland Report. Climate change impacts on the water resources on the Cooper Creek catchment’ (PDF)*. (Project EP08). Australian Greenhouse Office, Canberra  
Department of Natural Resources & Mines. Queensland Government (2004). ‘Queensland Climate Change and Community Vulnerability to Tropical Cyclones: Oceans Hazard Assessment (1999-2004)’.
Synthesis Report (2004) | Stage 1 (2001) | Stage1a (2004) | Stage 2 (2004) | Stage 3 (2004) | Stage 4 (2003)
The GRASP Modelling Team. (2008). ‘Improving Grazing Management using the GRASP Model’. NBP.338 Final Report for Meat and Livestock Australia. Pp. 66.
Day, K.A., Ahrens, D.G. and Peacock A. (Issued monthly 2001–2015). Queensland summer rainfall (November to March) in relation to sea-surface temperature in the previous autumn and winter. Seasonal Pacific Ocean Temperature Analysis – 1 (SPOTA–1), To obtain the password and gain access to the SPOTA-1 reports, visit the SPOTA-1 web site for more information.
Jeffrey, S.J. Carter, J.O. Moodie, K.B. Beswick, A.R. (2001) ‘Using spatial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data’ Environmental Modeling & Software 16(04) pp309-330
McKeon, G.M., Stone, G.S., Syktus, J.I., Carter, J.O., Flood, N.R., Ahrens, D.G., Bruget, D.N., Chilcott, C.R., Cobon, D.H., Cowley, R.A., Crimp, S.J., Fraser, G.W., Howden, S.M., Johnston, P.W., Ryan, J.G., Stokes, C.J. and Day, K.A. (2009) ’Climate change impacts on northern Australian rangeland livestock carrying capacity: a review of issues’, The Rangeland Journal 31, 1-29.
Cai, W. Crimp, S. McInnes, K.Hunt, B. Suppiah, R. Collier, M. Elliot, T. Hennessy, K. Jones, R. Page, C. & Whetton, P. (2003) ‘Climate Change in Queensland under Enhanced Greenhouse Conditions (Annual Report 2002-2003)’ ; a report on research undertaken for Queensland Departments of State Devlopment, Main Roads, Health, Transport, Treasury, Public Works, Primary Industries & Fisheries, Environmental Protection, Natural Resources & Mines, Queensland Rail, SunWater, CS Energy. CSIRO Atmospheric Research. 
Zhang, X. and McRae, D. (2011). Constructing Regional Climate Change Projections for Queensland: A Methodology Review. In: Greenhouse 2011: The Science of Climate Change. 4-8 April 2011, Cairns, Australia.
Schwartz, R.; Nielsen, K. & Mohoupt, J. (2011). 'TC Yasi: Coastal Inundation Levels'. Proceedings of the Australasian Coasts and Ports Conference; Perth, 28-30th September, 2011. 
Lo, F., Wheeler, M.C., Meinke, H. and Donald, A. (2007) ‘Probabilistic forecasts of the onset of the North Australian wet season’. Monthly Weather Review. 135 (10)
Grainger S, Frederiksen C, Zheng X, Fereday D, Folland C, Jin E, Kinter J, Knight J, Schubert S, Syktus J, et al. (2011). ‘Modes of variability of Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation estimated by AGCMs’ (PDF)*. CLIM DYNAM. 2011; 36 (3-4):473-490.
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The Part 4/2 report is available (PDF, 2.7M, last updated 03:08PM, 28 June 2012)* on the Long Paddock web site.
The Part 4/3 report is available (PDF, 639K, last updated 03:08PM, 28 June 2012)* on the Long Paddock web site.
The Part 4/4 report is available (PDF, 479K, last updated 03:08PM, 28 June 2012)* on the Long Paddock web site.
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    Last updated: 11 March 2024