Articles and Publications



Scientific journal publications

A comprehensive publications list by the Grazing Land Systems group (over several decades) is available at LongPaddock Publication page. This list includes DCAP publications.
A list of useful resources for making land management decisions for Drought and general activities can be found in LongPaddock Useful Resources page.
DCAP has sponsored a Special Issue of the Rangeland Journal, which focuses on managing drought in Australian rangelands. Most of the papers cover research, development and extension covered in the projects under DCAP. Browse the papers from CSIRO PUBLISHING.

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F, Sallur NM, Sommerfield J (2022) Opportunities to build resilience of beef cattle properties in the mulga lands of south-western Queensland, Australia.  The Rangeland Journal 44, 115-128. doi:  10.1071/RJ21057.  Available at

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F (2022) Can a return to small ruminants increase profitability and drought resilience in the semiarid rangelands of northern Australia?  Animal Production Science 62, 975-982.  doi:  10.1071/AN21422.  Available at 

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F (2021) Achieving drought resilience in the grazing lands of northern Australia:  preparing, responding and recovering.  The Rangeland Journal 43, 67-76.  doi: 1071/RJ20058. Available at

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F (2021) An economic framework to evaluate alternative management strategies for beef enterprises in northern Australia.  Animal Production Science 61, 271-281.  doi:  10.1071/AN20125.  Available at

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F, Phelps D (2021) Bio-economic evaluation of grazing-management options for beef cattle enterprises during drought episodes in semiarid grasslands of northern Australia.  Animal Production Science 61, 72-83.  doi:  10.1071/AN19691.  Available at

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F, Dixon RM, Sullivan MT, Schatz T, Oxley T (2020) The economics of phosphorus supplementation of beef cattle grazing northern Australian rangelands.  Animal Production Science 60, 683-693.  doi: 10.1071/AN19088.  Available at

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F (2019) Productivity and profitability of alternative steer growth paths resulting from accessing high quality forage systems in the subtropics of northern Australia:  a modelling approach.  Animal Production Science 59, 1739-1751.  doi: 10.1071/AN18311.  Available at

Bowen MK, Chudleigh F (2018) Grazing pressure, land condition, productivity and profitability of beef cattle grazing buffel grass pastures in the subtropics of Australia:  a modelling approach.  Animal Production Science 58, 1451-1458.  doi: 10.1071/AN17780.  Available at

Chudleigh F, Bowen M, Holmes B (2019) Farm economic thinking and the genetic improvement of fertility in northern beef herds.  In 'Proceedings of the 63rd Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Annual Conference'.  Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.  Available at

Cobon, D., Kouadio, L., Mushtaq, S., Jarvis, S., Carter, J., Stone, G., Davis, P. (2019). Evaluating the shifts in rainfall and pasture-growth variabilities across the pastoral zone of Australia during 1910–2010 . Crop and Pasture Science, 70(7):634-647.

Stone, G., Dalla Pozza, R., Carter J., & McKeon, G. (2019). Long Paddock: climate risk and grazing information for Australian rangelands and grazing communities . The Rangeland Journal, 41, 225–232



For a full copy of the papers, contact:

Project leader – Dr Maree Bowen, DAF Rockhampton at

Principal economist – Fred Chudleigh, DAF Toowoomba at

NACP project leader – David Cobon, University of Southern Queensland (USQ) Toowoomba at

Last updated: 16 July 2024